Our Services

  • Pre-Sales Services Pre-Sales Services
  • Sales Process Sales Process
  • After Sales After Sales Services
  • Pre-Sales Services

    marker Phone conversation / email to dicuss your needs.

    marker Assistance in planning your trip to Spain.

    marker Personal tour of areas, facilities and properties .

  • Sales Process

    marker Viewing of properties based upon your requirements / budget.

    marker Introduction to our highly respected English speaking Spanish lawyer.

    marker Full assistance and guidance in opening bank accounts / NIE registration / insurances / currency exchange etc.

  • After Sales Services

    marker Full interior design service.

    marker Assistance with the purchasing of furnishing and white goods.

    marker Advice on all general insurance.

mitchell devereux

Contact Details

email: info@mitchelldevereux.com 

Tel:   +44 07748 926608

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